Wednesday Night

Supper Sign Up

Join us Wednesday evenings from March 12 - April 9 for food, fellowship and community. We tailored each week's activity or speaker to lean into our focus for the year - Living into Hope & Healing. The activity or speaker will change each week and last until ~7pm. We hope you will join us for this time of Lenten Connection. 

Meal Time: 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Activity / Speaker: 6:15-7 p.m.

Location: In our Family Ministry Center Gym
Cost: Per Person: $8

Family Max: $30

RSVP by Sunday prior at 5pm

March 12: Wings, meatballs, wingchips, salad

Board Game Night

March 19: BBQ, coleslaw, baked beans, salad

Alysha McConnell, Interim Director at Family Promise

March 26: Smoked chicken, green beans, potatoes, salad

Care cards for members and emergency services

April 2: Snack Pack Immersion Experience - Experience the food students take home as well as pack bags for Snack Pack

**There is NO charge for dinner on April 2. Donations will be accepted and go directly to our Snack Pack ministry.**

April 9: Sandwiches - pimento cheese & chicken salad, pasta salad, salad

Traditional Hymn Sing

Menu & Activity

Nursery will be provided for children under 3 years old