Available for ages 0-3 years-old during Sunday morning Worship from 8:30am-12:30pm. Staffed by trained, background-checked workers. Located on the 1st Floor of the Family Ministries Center, rooms F109 and F111.
Available for ages 4k-5k during both worship services every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of each month.
Located in the FMC Room 222.
For more information contact Union’s Children Director, Mrs. Suzy Broadus.
Union’s Sunday School is taught by a dynamic team of adult volunteers.
10:-10:45 on the 2nd Floor of the Education Building
3s/4s EB 210
K-1st Grades EB 203-204
2nd-3rd Grades EB 208
4th-5th Grades EB 205-207
Liturgical Dance
Sundays at 3:15pm-4:00pm in the Sanctuary
Grades 3k-5th
Is for our 4th and 5th graders and we meet most Sundays and start in the FMC Room 223.
Although you might find us outside for games and lessons too.
All 4th and 5th graders are invited to join us for a spring full of fun!
Parents, if you are not receiving emails from Suzy, please let her know so we can make sure you are getting all the updates. Suzy@unionirmo.org
Monthly opportunities for parents to spend time together without breaking the bank to pay a babysitter.
Available for children infants-1st Grade, $10 per child, includes lunch. (Let us know of any allergies when you sign up)
RSVP by the Wednesday before to Andrea Williams
2025 Dates
May 24 - 11am - 2pm
August 9 - 11am - 2pm
It’s Easter Egg Hunt time!
Will you help us fill some eggs for hunting?
Starting March 16 we will have empty plastic eggs available for filling with individually wrapped treats (candy or toys). We ask all eggs be returned no later than Sunday, April 6, in time for our hunt on April 12. Bins for pick up and return will be found in the narthex during those times. Thank you for your help!