Adult Sunday School

Aline Leitner Fellowship Class

This class is a group of adults ranging from the 60s and up. The class meets in FMC 223. The class has approximately 60 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders.

Chapel Class

This class is a group of adults in a wide range of ages. The class meets in EB 214. The class has approximately 12 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders.

Building Stronger Relationships One Conversation At A Time

John Rowland

This class is a group of adults ranging from the 60s and up. The class meets in LL Fellowship Hall. The class has approximately 70 attendees per week. It is a lecture class with different leaders.

John Wesley

This class is a group of adults in a wide range of ages. The class meets in FMC 222. The class has approximately 15 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders.

This class is a group of adults ranging from the mid-50s and up. The class meets in LL 11. The class has approximately 75 attendees per week. It is a lecture class with different leaders.

Living Faith

This class is a group of mature adults. The class meets in EB 217. The class has approximately 10 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders. They are a discussion group led by one faithful teacher.

New Life

This class is a group of adults ranging from the mid-40s to 60s. The class meets in FMC 227. The class has approximately 35 attendees per week. It is a lecture, video and discussion class with a designated leader.


This class is a group of adults ranging from mid-20s to 40s. The class meets in the EB 211-213. The class has approximately 30 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders.


This class is a group of adults ranging from the mid-40s and up. The class meets in EB 215. The class has approximately 20 attendees per week. It is a discussion class with different leaders.

The Gathering

This class is a group of adults ranging from college age to young adult. The class meets in EB 216. The class has approximately 10 attendees per week.

The Journey

This new Sunday School class is a group of adults with all ages. This class meets in the Chapel. The class has approximately 25 attendees per week.

Come join new Sunday School friends on a journey of discovery, seeing Jesus through the gospel of Mark.